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From the blog

Anxiety and depression can have a debilitating impact on our day-to-day functioning. It can impact our self-esteem, however, it can be managed. Counselling can help overcome and manage anxiety and depression.
Dyscalculia is a lifelong condition that can hinder academic progress and self-esteem; it can be managed and treated. Individualized psychotherapy may also help adults overcome self-esteem issues caused by their lifelong math difficulties.

Notice the colour | Notice the texture | Notice the taste | Notice the sound around you | Notice the smell

Using the senses…

Notice your surroundings…

Grounding techniques…

Connect with your immediate surroundings…

27th February 2022

How Connecting with Nature can Elevate your Mood.

It’s great to be outdoors to relieve your mind of any stress, pressure or tension by connecting with your natural surroundings:

  1. Allow yourself a pause.
  2. Become relaxed
  3. Embody
  4. Allow room for laughter with walking companions.
  5. Take time to reflect.
  6. Use grounding techniques where safe to do so.

Be mindful and cautious about your wellbeing. Also be mindful of your pattern of stress as you walk, if walking gives you stress.

Connect with nature…